Lennon Maie was born on March 11, 2011 at 10:47 am.
She weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces and was 19 inches long.
My fantasy of holding my newborn baby and not letting go came true on this day. No one in green scrubs came and took her away from me. No one in a white coat came and told me that something was wrong. She is perfect. Everything is perfect.
The labor was normal and speedy, and even though she broke her mother’s tailbone on her way out, she is the sweetest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
Big brother adores his baby sister and is an amazing help to his healing mommy.
We have our family, we are complete. Life is good.
Congratulations…she is a cutie!
Thanks Bo! We think so… 🙂
Oh Abbey congratulations! Woo Hoo you did it…seems kind of fast LOL but yay!
Tailbone? Ouch!!!
Enjoy her…I will watching you through the blog window 🙂
Congratulations, Abbey! OMG, your little angel,Lenon is so pretty. She's such a sunshine. Now, you believe what I've told you before! Such a wonderful feelings by holding her in your arms. Isn't it? You feel LOVEEEeee….. Come on, give her a little hug for men and lots of kisses. <3 Have a great day!
Blessings, Kristy
A warm welcome to the world to baby Lennon! Congratulations, Abbey!
She is darling. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone for your kind words!! It may be awhile until I'm back to writing regular recipes…. hope you don't forget about me 🙂