If you want your lips to tingle with warmth, and your tongue to dance with excitement, follow me.
I know the way.

makes 2 cocktails
In a shaker, combine the following…
- 2 oz tequila (blanco is my go-to for margs, but I don’t judge)
- 2 oz triple sec (or other fav fancier orange liqueur if you’re feelin’ it today)
- the juice of 2 large and juicy limes
- big ole handful of fresh watermelon chunks (juicy red and ripe), hand squeezed into shaker, because Saturday doesn’t wait for pretense
- 6 slices fresh serrano chilis (jalapeños could be subbed)
- 8 leaves fresh cilantro (aren’t I all specific and stuff)
(*note- if you’re a sweeter person than me, taste before pouring and add some agave to taste. No shame in gettin’ whatchu want. But this here is good for me.)
Add a couple ice cubes to get the party started.
shake, shake shake.
Pour into desired glasses (I like martini glasses for these)
Feel free to salt the rims (I cannot… my body cannot handle too much salinity) – if you do, I suggest zesting those limes to add to the salt.
be warm.
love. xo
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