Hellooo, life! Goodness, it’s been full. I haven’t been living under a rock, but I have been extremely busy – like many of you, I’m sure 😉 . And I’ve been very…
Food + Wine
A large part of me loves, no, needs my food to be as homemade as possible. No additives, unnecessary sodium or pretend ingredients. My body does not know what to do with…
I’d like to think I would win any sort of contest that required me to eat bread. Is there somewhere out there where my bread dedication would be heralded and maybe I’d…
If this is the third email you’ve gotten from me in the past few days… and also in the past few months, all I can say is – as much as I…
Promoting anything other than kindness and humanity right now feels strange. But as a kind human, I just want to remind everyone that we are all capable of compassion and empathy and…
I thought about taking one to three of those words out of the title… but then I didn’t feel like it. I also found it highly important that you enter knowing, without…