Food + Wine

She’s got eggs… she knows how to use them

I’ve just been so darn busy, y’all.  And not being able to keep up with my work over here means I owe you all an apology.  I’ve still been active daily on Instagram, and have almost-daily been creating and shooting things to eventually be shared here, but unless I’m just throwing a bunch of measurements and pictures at you, I just don’t have the time to give you what I think you deserve… but today I felt like I needed to throw something quick your way to make you remember me again.  A little quickie.

Remember my 6 1/2 minute egg from this post awhile back? I’ve been doing them a lot lately and keeping them in the fridge for various meals.  I first needed to know if they would withstand a couple days in the fridge without losing any integrity.  And great news!  They can be made a week ahead of time, taken out to come up to room temperature (I do NOT enjoy them cold) and used whenever you want!

They’re excellent in the salad I shared with you initially… or any salad you’d want an egg as a part of…

Just plain good on their own with a hefty pinch of sea salt and cracked black pepper…

And the other morning after the gym, I just threw a couple over some leftover roasted cabbage and onions that I warmed back up in a dry skillet…

The cabbage came from the Wrightsville Beach Farmers Market on my vacation.  Really good stuff.  So in the fridge the other day, I had the roasted cabbage ‘n onions… I had the soft boiled eggs… then after some salt and pepper, a new meal was born in less than 2 minutes.  Wasn’t even planning on photographing anything, nothing was staged, or meticulously placed on a plate with perfect lighting predicted, but as I looked down at my bowl, hungry for what was inside of it, I marveled at the simplistic beauty that was before me.

I’m glad I took the picture.  It makes me happy.  I even posted about it on Instagram this morning…

Peasant food ftw.

Leftover roasted cabbage (local, from vacation farmers market) & onions warmed back up in a dry skillet, then topped with 2 local eggs that I previously soft boiled to 6 1/2 minute perfection…

Basically? Leftovers on top of leftovers. A meal in moments.

Let us not forget that simple, when simple is made like it should be, is always gonna be good.

Stop trying too hard, guys. Just let it be. Everything you got is good enough.


Hope you’re all well.  I’ll be back soon.  When I have the time to give you all the great stuff I have saved up to share 😉 xo

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