No, I wasn’t under the influence of anything when I wrote this. Ok, technically that’s not true. I was drinking wine in bed with my husband when the idea hit me. But…
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Like most cooks and chefs and long time lovers of home-cooked meals, (especially where I come from), I’ve been making meatloaf for years. I grew up eating it, and now so have…
I’m not really a bacon fan. I know. I just got mentally trashed by most of you reading this. I just don’t like smokey stuff. Smoked salmon? Boo. Smoked sausage? Eh. Bacon?…
I like a lazy Sunday… Especially if the weekend was a busy one (which it most certainly was). We had a different house guest every night so when Sunday came around all…
Recent author’s note- This is the first recipe ever posted on this blog… I posted it back when I had no idea what I was doing here! I haven’t changed any of…