Food + Wine

A Super Super Bowl

Last minute Super Bowl munchie ideas…

**Whip up an easy batch of your favorite Mac ‘n Cheese* and spoon them into greased mini muffin tins, then bake until golden brown. Serve in a basket like you would rolls.
(*some of my favorite recipes are Mac ‘n’ Pimento Cheese, Mac ‘n’ Goat Cheese, Hawaiian Mac ‘n’ Cheese)

**Make hummus a little healthier by using most of the liquid from the garbanzo bean can instead of all the oil. Flavor with salt, garlic and lemon, then add enough extra virgin olive oil to make it taste good. Serve with ‘everything’ flavored pretzel chips.

**Make guacamole a little healthier for the kids at the party by adding pureed, defrosted green peas to the mix…no one will know.

**Put anything you can think of on a skewer. Raid your fridge and you’ll probably come up with some great ideas without having to go to the store: Cubed meats and cheeses with some assorted mustards for dipping, cherry tomatoes and fresh mozzarella balls with pesto for dipping, olives and cheese cubes, even chunks of fresh fruit (people may laugh at first, but after all the wings and fritos set in, they will be thanking you). Food just tastes better if it’s on a stick.

Here are some other links to some quick and easy recipes that would be perfect for any Super Bowl affair:

G’s Kettle Corn Equally salty and sweet popped corn, this stuff is addictive.

Cheese Stuffed Cheese Puffs May seem like a fancy thing, but I assure you this recipe is an easy one.

Pimento Cheese Cake Anything that can be eaten with a cracker or chip on game day is a crowd pleaser and this recipe takes an old favorite and makes it new again.

Rosemary-Romano Shortbread Sweet and savory shortbread bites that everyone loves.

Cheddar and Chutney Sandwiches Make this incredibly simple, yet delicious sandwich into sliders and people may forget there’s a game on.

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  • Reply Velva February 6, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    These are great ideas! I have already sent the boys off and I am enjoying a peaceful time at home. Your fast recipe ideas are good for anytime!

    Enjoy the game.

  • Reply Everyday Champagne February 7, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Thanks Velva, I hope your night was, indeed, peaceful!

  • Reply Anonymous February 8, 2011 at 5:08 am

    So glad you've gone back to a print font; the cursive was so difficult to read!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne February 8, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    The cursive is a glitch I'm trying to fix-sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Reply My Carolina Kitchen February 9, 2011 at 11:20 am

    What a great idea to use some green peas in the guacamole. That would make it even healthier. With this array of food, your Super Bowl party must have been a big hit.

  • Reply Everyday Champagne February 10, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Thanks Sam! The peas are so hard to detect, it's a really cool thing to sneak in..

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