It’s no secret I make a lot of egg things. (Proper name: Egg Thing) On any regular day, for my second breakfast after the gym, I will just make a 2 egg…
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Welp. It’s that time of year when I bake a lot of loaves of things. So, buckle up, y’all.…
Oh HAY, Sunday, you sexy beast. Guys- my windows are down, my babies are still asleep, the house is quiet, I’m wearing a poncho…. COME ON! This is my good place right here. And…
I know the chia pudding thing has been around for awhile now. So many of you may have probably opened this up, yawned and carried on with your day. There also may…
Good morning, you beautiful people. No time for small talk. Today is my man’s birthday and this is what he woke up to.…
Well I certainly didn’t mean to begin a Fig Series… but that’s just what happens when you cook with the seasons! I’ve had the best time coming up with fun and different…