You know when you just feel like you’re stale? In a rut. Plain Jane. Dull as a door nail. Tired? I’ve felt like that for a long time – It started before…
I don’t like Raisins too much. They’re too syrupy sweet for my taste. And frankly they just ruin anything they’re involved in with their obnoxious Raisinness. Scene stealers, focus pullers… just a…
To read my deep thoughts on okra, check out my okra post from a few years ago. Or, I’ll just summarize here- I happen to love okra. I grew up with it,…
I will spare you the redundant details of my recent wine trip and get down to the post trip fun parts: Drinking all the wine I brought back with me!! (I plan…
This post will have to be short (and hopefully Sweet…) Many of you may remember the Jamaica trip that never happened a couple months ago. It fell through due to something out…
Raise your hand if you know what Paleo means. Put your hand down. Raise your hand if you slept through science class in junior high school. Put your hand down. Class is…