Food + Wine

quicky Springy Veggies

For those of you who follow me for recipes, I’m not going to apologize. But I will say I get it. You haven’t gotten that side of me in a bit. 

Or any side, really. 

I’ve cooked the breakfasts, lunches and dinners – sometimes snacks and desserts – for my family for the past year. (Except when my man flexes those kitchen guns🔥). 

I’ve been creating, I’ve been making, I’ve been providing and feeding…

I just haven’t been documenting it for anybody else. 

I haven’t been creating content. 

And most of you know that was for a very specific reason. 

But for those of you who are still around, there are things to come. 

The world feels like it’s starting to allow breath to happen again, and that’s a wonderful step in the right direction.  

I’m not under anyone else’s clock to perform maybe / probably / definitely for the first time ever in my life, but I’m still doing what I love every single day.  

Even if you don’t see it here. 

But! And! So! Here’s the Springy side I threw together last night when it felt like Spring in my backyard.    

Taken with my phone on a step-stool meant for children before I fell off, because a girl is a bit out of practice.  

There’s no need for a recipe, but here’s a summary of what I did :

Quick Springy Veggies with Lemon Ricotta and Herbs

serves 4 as a side

It’s just one bunch of trimmed asparagus, sliced into thirds together, blistered in a cast iron with green onions cut to the same size. 

A bit of olive oil and some salt

Thinly sliced garlic and several handfuls of defrosted, frozen peas added at the end. 

Once the peas and the garlic caught up the asparagus, it was done. 

Double cream ricotta + lemon zest + salt to top. 

Basil + mint + parsley to top that. 


Fresh and simple. 


Love y’all. Talk soon. Don’t forget what’s real x

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1 Comment

  • Reply Gail Gibson February 25, 2021 at 6:34 pm

    Looks so delicious, Abbey. And, yes, it’s been a long, long year. So glad there’s spring and hope on the horizon. Wonderful to see you posting again.

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