Food + Wine

Avocado Tuna Salad with Egg and Dill

I know I’m jumping the gun a bit on this recipe… I know it just became Spring and not at all Summer, but this is the lunch I’ve been making myself almost every day for the past couple of weeks.  If you have a summer garden, maybe you’ll be growing your own cucumbers and dill, but for now… as busy as I am… I’m thankful I can stop by a giant grocery store in my sweaty-and-soon-to-become-dusty workout clothes and grab whatever the hell I want!

This is my fresh and healthier take on classic tuna salad.  I’m not a mayo person (most of you know that by now), and even though I can still appreciate and enjoy the classic version of tuna salad made with celery, salt, pepper and mayo (juuuust enough to bind it together), this salad is a 130% improvement for me.

It all started with me wanting to use mashed avocado and fresh lemon juice instead of the mayonnaise to mix with the canned tuna… then I expanded upon that and came up with a really beautiful, simple yet exciting tuna salad!

The addition of fresh herbs really brighten the dish, and once you add a 6 1/2 minute egg on top?…

Game over, man.

Goopy egg hats make everything better.

If you stock your kitchen with fresh herbs and lemons, you’re able to turn most any pantry item into something special.  Even when life is as busy as it is for me right now, I always make sure those things are around!   We’re about to have a week of ‘lets shop the freezer to find out what’s for dinner ‘, and I guarantee you, all of those frozen and homemade stews, soups, stocks and casseroles are going to be greeted with a hearty sprinkling of herbs and probably a couple squeezes of lemon to wake ’em back up again.  So, always having canned tuna in my pantry, and always having eggs in the fridge, plus the fresh herbs and lemon make this an easy lunch for me whenever I want!

(Make a big batch of the soft boiled eggs so you’re always ready to go)

And if you’re not a person who always has at least one avocado on hand… then we need to have a serious conversation.

But not now.  Now I’m too busy.

Avocado Tuna Salad with Egg and Dill

recipe serves one

In a small bowl, mash with a fork…

  • 1 hass avocado flesh
  • the juice of 1 lemon
  • kosher salt to taste

I prefer to keep this on the chunky side, because I like some of the avocado to be creamy like a condiment, but also to have the occasional avocado chunk in the salad.

Add to the mashed avocado…

  • 1 (5 oz) can white tuna, drained
  • 1 mini cucumber, cut into chunks (I’ve fallen in love with those little guys, but about 1/3 cup of an English cucumber, or even a standard cucumber would work as well)
  • handful fresh dill, leaves finely chopped
  • handful fresh parsley, leaves finely chopped

Mix delicately, so you don’t mess with the texture of the avocado mash.

Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary… more salt? more lemon?

Top with…

Season egg with more salt and pepper

Eat, standing up in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, covered in dusty sweat clothes.

thanks for reading, y’all. happy weekend x

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  • Reply Gail March 31, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    Sounds delicious! (And have I ever told you that I’ve been making your 6.5 minute soft-boiled eggs since you taught me how to do this last year at this time?)

    • Reply Everyday Champagne April 3, 2018 at 10:50 am

      Whaaaaa?!!? This is the coolest and most flattering news. I’m so glad you like it! xx

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