Food + Wine

Coconut, Lime, Oatmeal Cookies AND Cheesecake? Yes, Please!

My 4 year old son and I developed this recipe yesterday.  I already had coconuts and limes on the brain from writing the post on my Coconut-Mango Scones so I’m sure that’s where it all started, but we both just got in the kitchen and started creating.  He was so cute, he would taste something and say,  

‘I think it needs more cinnamon, mommy’,  
or ‘I can taste the coconut now!‘, 
or ‘I think I need to taste it again to be sure’.  
There were a lot of those. 

He’s always been my special helper in the kitchen.  I had him in there with me as soon as he was stable enough to sit and watch.  He would have his own spatula and empty bowl and stir right along with mommy.  Then when he got old enough, we would pull up his stool and he would get involved in the real cooking.  He loves measuring the dry ingredients, working the electric beater and he especially loves cracking the eggs.  But this was the first time that he was actually involved in the conception part of one of my recipes.  And he was so proud to taste it.  After he finished his piece, he said,
‘I think we did an awesome job, Mommy.’ 
And I agree.  
This recipe is a yummy one.  You’ve got an oatmeal coconut cookie-like crust on the bottom and crumb on the top, and the filling tastes like a combination of key lime pie and cheesecake.  It’s baked and then cut into squares but is too delicate to eat with your hands…unless you’re like me and don’t really care about looking like a monkey when you’re eating by yourself.  I always use reduced fat dairy when I cook because I actually prefer the flavor of low fat cream cheese, but you just use whatever you have on hand.  Despite the sound of it, this is a very light and kinda summery dessert, but is very, very delicious.  

*Coconut Lime Cheesecake Crumble

Cream the following with an electric beater-
1 stick unsalted butter, softened (save the butter paper to grease the bottom of a 9×13 inch glass pan)
3/4 cup light brown sugar 

Then mix in the following until the butter has moistened all the dry ingredients. It should he crumbly.
1 1/3 cup all purpose or whole wheat pastry flour 
1 cup rolled oats 
3/4 cup shredded, sweetened coconut 
3/4 tsp kosher salt 
1 tsp baking powder 
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon 

Press 3/4 of the crust mixture evenly into the bottom of your greased 9×13 glass pan. Set aside while you make your filling.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the following with your electric beater until smooth-
8 ounce brick of Neufchatel cream cheese 
1 cup/8 ounces sour cream 
2/3 cup white sugar 

Then add in the following and mix until smooth again-
1/2 cup coconut milk 
Zest of 1 lime 
1/2 cup fresh lime juice 
Splash vanilla extract 
2 large eggs 

Pour this over your crust layer and spread evenly.
With your hands, evenly crumble the remaining 1/4 of your crust mixture over the filling.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 40-50 min, or until the center no longer jiggles and the top crumble crust is a beautiful, golden brown.

Cool completely on a rack before cutting into squares and eating.
Here’s a video of my son’s first crack at eggs.  It was taken last year and I thought it seemed appropriate to share it all with you now.  It makes me laugh every. single. time. Enjoy.

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  • Reply Ashleigh and Tiffani April 27, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Can you say YUM???? I sure can…working on a little cheesecake myself today in the Drinking Girls Test Kitchen…Frozen Margarita Mini Cheesecakes…that's what's for dessert! Cheers, Ashleigh & Tiffani, The Drinking Girls

  • Reply Everyday Champagne May 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Frozen Margarita Cheesecakes?!?! Um…awesome. Very awesome.

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