Food + Wine

I’m such a tease.

Ugh. This is just so mean.  I’m sorry.  I almost didn’t even put this up today, but then I was excited about the photo and… well, here we are.  Me being a meanie pants.

So… I don’t have a recipe to share for these cookies because they are seriously one of only two things that I make that I haven’t shared completely with you.  And I share aLOT with you.  And they also happen to be, along with the other secret thing (my Chocolate Peppermint Brownies) two of my most requested goodies.  And yet, here I am keeping mum about the recipe.  Why?  Dunno.  There must be some reason, cause everything I do is for a reason… I just don’t know it yet.

But I baked these cookies today with my daughter after school and then decided to take their pretty picture.  I will tell you this about them- they’re chocolate chip cookies with flaky sea salt.  And… they’re made with whole grains, but are by no means a diet cookie.  They are real and true and definitely not a health food trying to be a cookie, I just do a few magical things to them to give you a lot of health with your delicious fun.

I’ve been tweaking these ever since I first became a mom because I had dreams of making the best chocolate chip cookies on the block.  And think I can finally rest.

So maybe one day I’ll be bold enough to type it out.

But until I do, enjoy the show.

And again, my apologies for the tease.  I will, however, let you eat them whenever you want.  I may be cryptic and secretive and sneaky, but I’m a damn good sharer.

So if you’re in the area, stop by for a cookie and a chat.

As long as we don’t chat about the cookie.

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