Food + Wine

June 1-7 Mealplan

On my grocery trip this morning I spent $70, which is on the high side for me, but the thing that makes me feel better is the fact that I saved $100. That sure has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?…A hundred dollars. I saved one Hundred Dollars. What did you do today? Oh, I saved One Hundred Dollars. OK, I’m stopping.
On this beautiful, sunny day my toddler sleeps and my kitchen smells of caramelized onions and Kiwi-Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie. Ahh, Sundays…
Here’s the plan for this week-
*Shrimp Summer Rolls and Beef Satay
Summer Rolls are another thing that G and I fell in love with at that Thai-Vietnamese restaurant in Wilmington (until they started skimping on the filling). You make them with rice paper, which you can find at most big grocery stores now-a-days. (I’ve had mine for awhile in my pantry). We always like ours with fresh basil and cilantro, thinly sliced carrots, avocado and shrimp (from my freezer, always). And Satay is marinated meat on a stick, served with a peanut dipping sauce. I’m going to use the london broil I bought on a BOGO sale today.
*French Onion Soup with Ham and Chow-Chow Paninis
LOVE french onion soup. The more cheese, the better. And even though it can be a meal itself (and it has been for us), I wanted another something to go along with it. This panini will be perfect. I have deli ham from last week’s sale (unopened) and I always have chow-chow on hand because I grew up eating it on sandwiches. If you’re not Southern, you have no idea what I’m talking about. Look it up, it’s fantastic.
*Five-Spice Pork Tenderloin with Cabernet Rice and Roasted Asparagus
Pork T’s are on a BOGO sale this week at HT and I always buy them because they’re so easy to prepare. We cook one (there are two in the pack) and freeze the other for another meal. The cabernet rice is a great dish-you literally cook the rice in red wine and it comes out this beautiful, plum color.
*Tomato, Watermelon and Feta Salad with a Chilled Summer Corn Bisque
This may sound awful to some of you, but it truly is a match made in heaven. You use the best tomatoes you can find (which is very hard this early in the season), sweet watermelon and good feta, pair it with some fresh basil and thinly sliced onion and you’ve got a fantastic chunky salad. I’ve never made this soup before, the idea just came to me when I was thinking of something to pair with the salad. I have some fresh corn leftover from last week and I thought a cold, creamy corn soup sounded great. We’ll see!
*Turkey Scallopini over Sweet Pea Risotto
I got a great deal on a pack of turkey breast cutlets today. I’ll pound them very thin, lightly dredge them in flour and saute them in some butter. It will be wonderful over some creamy risotto (which, incidently has no cream in it…it’s creamy because of the starch in the rice that slowly thickens the dish). As you know, I always have frozen peas on hand and they are excellent in risotto. Risotto is a big favorite in our house. It’s super easy, as long as you don’t mind tending to it for 20 minutes or so.
*Sticky Finger Chicken with Rosemary Fingerlings and Orange Peel Broccoli
The sticky part of this dish will be a basting sauce made primarilly of orange marmalade and soy sauce. The chicken is from my freezer, the broccoli is from last week (still good, I promise), and in case you didn’t know, fingerlings are little potatoes that are shaped like fingers…long and thin.
*Buttermilk Waffles and Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage with Cinnamon Maple Syrup
You all know I love breakfast for dinner. (Is there anyone who doesn’t?) I bought these organic sausages a couple of weeks ago when they were on a ‘gotta ged rid of this now’ sale, so I came home and froze them. They look really good, with pieces of apple throughout the links. I thought they’d be really fantastic with some yummy, homemade waffles. And if you have real maple syrup, (and you all should), you can infuse it with any flavor you want. I’ll throw a couple of cinnamon sticks in mine and gently heat it through.
Happy eating, everyone!

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  • Reply Beth June 1, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    So I tried planning our “meals” this week, and we’re having pork tenderloin and aparagus tonight! (But with potatoes). What spices do you put on the tenderloin?

  • Reply Everyday Champagne June 1, 2009 at 6:19 pm

    I make so many different Pork T's…sometimes I marinate it in garlic, herbs, and olive oil. Sometimes I season it with s&p only and then serve it with a honey mustard sauce (or another sweet sauce… pork is great with sweet flavors). But this week I'll rub it with some s&p, cinnamon, anise, fennel, ginger, clove, and a little sugar. If you don't have all of these, just the cinnamon paired with the s&p is really great. Your dinner sounds great, good luck!!

  • Reply Anonymous June 3, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    Beth's sis-in-law here – LOVE your blog and am inspired by your ability to plan out meals for the week. I find myself at the grocery store almost daily and you would be disgusted by my weekly bill. Quick question for you – what, if any, kind of dressing do you use on the watermelon/tomato/feta salad? We are going to try that tonight. Thanks and keep blogging – you have fans all the way in DC!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne June 3, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    Thank you so much for reading (wow! DC, huh?) and I'm glad I've inspired you! The watermelon salad is soo easy to prepare…what I do is cut the watermelon in chunks and sprinkle about a TB or so of sugar and a bit of salt over top. Stir and let it sit until juice starts coming out – that's the beginning of my dressing. Pour off the juice into a smaller bowl, then add a splash or so of red wine vinegar, some olive oil, s&p, and maybe some more sugar. It should be sweet, salty, and a little sour. When you combine al the salad elements, taste it all again to make sure your flavors are on point. (The salad ingredients are: onion slices, watermelon chunks, tomato chunks, torn basil leaves and feta chunks). Thanks again and good luck! (Please let me know how it turned out!)

  • Reply Anonymous June 4, 2009 at 1:52 am

    Salad AMAZING!!! We loved it and it will forever be in our arsenal. Thanks and keep'em coming.

  • Reply Everyday Champagne June 4, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    Oh, I'm so glad you liked it!!! If you have any other questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know. And I strongly suggest you have the salad again in late summer when everything is in season…the flavor difference is unbelievable.

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