
Oatmeal-Brown Sugar-Date Scones

If you know me at all, you may have heard me brag about my scones once or twice. I try really hard to not be a bragger and be humble and polite and sweet but then one day I started to think about the scone. He only wants a voice in the world and it’s my duty to make that voice be heard. Wow, I’m such a good person.
I’ve made several different kinds of scones, all usually following my Basic Scone Recipe. Cranberry-Orange is a house-hold favorite, it’s what we eat every Christmas morning, Dark Chocolate-Crystallized Ginger was another popular one and my Bacon-Parmesan-Date Scones blew a couple minds. But here’s a new one that I feel pretty good about. I’d be fibbing if I said these scones were healthy, but it’s not a lie to say that these are healthier than my other ones…
**Oatmeal-Brown Sugar-Date Scones
-2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (I sometimes cut it with some whole wheat pastry flour to bump up the fiber)
-1/2 cup rolled oats
-1 TB baking powder
-1/2 cup white sugar
-1/2 cup brown sugar
-1 tsp kosher salt
-1 1/2 sticks cold, unsalted butter. cut into cubes
-1/2 milk*
-handful of chopped dates (3/4-1 cup)
-pinch of cinnamon
-Preheat oven to 375.
-In the bowl of your standing mixer combine all the dry ingredients.
-Add the cubed, cold butter and mix until the butter breaks down into pea-sized pieces.
-While the mixer is on medium speed, slowly add enough milk until a moist dough is formed, but not so much that it becomes thin and sticky.
-Add your chopped dates, mix until well distributed
-Turn the dough onto a floured surface and add enough flour to shape the dough into a thick dish shape without it sticking to the surface or your hands.
-Cut into 8 wedges, like you’re cutting a pie.
-Place on parchment-lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with a little sugar, some more oats and cinnamon.
-Bake for 18-22 minutes until golden brown.
(*milk note-I bake with canned, evaporated whole milk)

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