
Berry Ricotta Clafouti

This is an extremely easy and versatile dessert to make. I had it prepared in under 5 minutes, toddler clinging to my ankles, so I have confidence that anyone can do it, and should. It’s a traditional French dessert that you usually find made with pears or cherries. I had some blueberries and raspberries that I needed to use up before we went out of town so that’s what I used. I also didn’t have heavy cream or plain yogurt to use up so I used the ricotta cheese I’ve been meaning to use. You can do it with apples and cinnamon, peaches and almonds, figs and orange zest, whatever your hearts’ desire. This is my recipe…
(I have no picture to show you due to the fact that my family and I ate the whole thing. My apologies.)
•a deep dish pie plate or something similar, well-greased and coated in sugar.
•about a pint of berries (enough to lay in a layer on the bottom of your dish)
•3 eggs
•1/2 cup sugar
•1/3 cup AP flour
•3/4 cup ricotta cheese
•3/4 cup milk
•1 tsp vanilla extract
•1 tsp or so of lemon zest
•pinch of salt
-Preheat oven to 350*. Lay fruit in one layer in the greased, sugared dish.
-Beat eggs til frothy, add 1/2 cup sugar and beat again til thicker and frothy.
-Add flour, beat til smooth. Add ricotta, milk, vanilla, lemon, and salt. Stir well.
-Pour batter over fruit. Bake for 20 min or when lightly browned and just set in the middle (a little shake of the dish will tell you…it should barely jiggle).
-Enjoy warm or room temp., sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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1 Comment

  • Reply cary July 25, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    this is amazing!

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