Fun, Style

Sometimes Saturdays…you’re sore from playing golf for the very first time. Ever. …and just wanna talk about it.

…did I mention it was a tournament?

Um, yeah… I had never touched a golf club (they’re called clubs, right?) until yesterday when I was on the green competiting in a charity golf tournament. I played along side my husband and 6th grade best friend, which made it more about socializing and drinking than actually playing…


But, I gotta tell ya- (and this is coming from the contact sport queen-someone who never understood what golf was all about-someone who never really considered golf a ‘real sport’) I had the best time playing!! And I think I’m actually good at it!…or could be good at it. They didn’t give me an MVP award or anything but I definitely surprised myself…and my golf playing husband.
(That’s one of my first drives!!!)
We were gone all day, I was a last minute addition to the team due to a
scheduling conflict with the real golfer, so I kinda had to scramble to
make everything possible for me to go. Luckily my mom is amazing and
took my daughter all day and picked up my son from school, and I was
able to get my food delivered early in the a.m., so everything magically
worked out!The night before the tournament, instead of googling ‘how to play golf’, I googled ‘how to dress to play golf’. I knew I wasn’t gonna turn myself into Tigress Woods in 17 hours, but I could definitely control how I looked while doing it. So I ended up putting on the preppiest things I had in my closet and am pretty sure I just looked like someone on the Disney channel.
(Shirt- (very) Old Navy ‘tiny fit’.  Shorts- Express ‘editor’. Shoes- Skechers.  Hat- (not pictured)  Old Navy fedora)

I used a 7 iron for just about everything (they all look the same!), lost a total of 5 balls somewhere in the woods of Salisbury, snapped 2 tee’s in half, and thought when my husband said ‘girl clubs’ he was referring to a bar that only served ladies. But… I think I did OK. Not great, but OK. And I’m OK with that!! It was fun enough for me to not care that I wasn’t trying to be perfect at something…if that makes any sense.


(If you’re viewing from a mobile device and can’t view the above (or below) videos, here they are via YouTube…)



However, today I am tired and sore and am finding it difficult to complete simple forearm tasks such as jar-opening, pants-zipping and teeth-brushing (don’t worry, I still did them). But I do feel pretty proud of myself. I did something I have never done before, got to spend time with two of my dearest friends, drink a cheap, canned margarita for the first time (😁), and hit the hell out of a tiny ball with a club larger than I am.

Pure, awesome, muscle aching fun.
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  • Reply Gail May 18, 2014 at 1:59 am

    So fun to read this! It sounds as if you had a very memorable day.

  • Reply Everyday Champagne May 18, 2014 at 11:36 am

    Ha. I did! It's always fun doing something you never thought you would be doing ;-). Thanks, Gail!!

  • Reply Angie Fanning May 18, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    You should be very proud of yourself! I consider myself a somewhat athletic person but I cannot hit a golf ball to save my life 🙂

  • Reply Everyday Champagne May 18, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    Well thank you, Angie!!! I'll take it!!

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