

I wrote a little piece on medium the other day and failed to share it here… mainly because I’ve been traveling – and both the trip and the re-entry has been bananas (but yummy bananas!), and also because I tend to have my focus split with the content I’m putting out there. AND I am terrible at self promotion, so cross promoting rarely enters my mind as a possibility.

I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me about it helping them, and it still never occurred to me to share it further until now.

Writing a book that I’m letting myself take a lot of time on is just one of those things that comes in waves… or splashes… or dry as hell spells. And I’m letting all of it just be OK. Patience has never been my strongest attribute, but being self aware is 😉 .

The particular piece is about forgiveness. And if you follow me on instagram, you would have read me say this about it when I shared it there :

Writing over on medium is still new for me.
I write every day, but I don’t always share it as it comes out.
I think the part of me that holds on tightly to my truth in hopes no one will take advantage of it again is also what causes me to hold on to other things in my life perhaps a bit too tightly.
Vulnerability is something I’m working on.
Trust is hard for me.

Anyway, all this to say – I wrote a little thing that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.
Click the link in my bio to read it over on 
Give me a couple 👏 over there if you feel it.
Comment if you wanna. Even if you kindly disagree.
Follow / subscribe if that feels good to your insides.

And however your day goes, I hope you feel loved.


Read FauxGiveness at

And have yourself a merry little monday now x

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