
Mother’s Day Done Right (a.k.a Lady Porn)

I had the most amazing day yesterday.  I didn’t have to do anything.  ANYTHING.  My husband took care of everything all day long, he even took care of my mom’s lunch when she and the rest of my family came over.  He instructed me (in writing) that I was to not lift a finger all day.  I stayed in bed, surrounded by magazines that had started to accumulate dust from the months of neglect…I watched the Cooking Channel for hours…he brought me coffee…he brought me a glass of prosecco…he brought me the most amazing Maple French Toast that he had made the night before and allowed to soak overnight.  He did laundry, he cleaned the house.  CLEANED THE HOUSE.  He did everything but breastfeed our daughter.

And my kids…oh, my kids.  It’s as if they knew it was mommy’s day and mommy desperately needed a day of rest.  My 3 year old son was an angel.  No tantrums, no attitude, no demands, just sweet hugs and kisses and perfection.  And my 8 week old daughter decided the night before that she would sleep entirely through the night.  I woke up so refreshed and happy, which hasn’t happened in a VERY long time.

I even put on make-up for the first time in, oh, 6 weeks.  I almost forgot how to do it with two hands.  The last time I attempted it was when my daughter was a couple of weeks old.  I was nursing her, as she was balanced in the nook of my inner knee with my leg propped up against my make-up desk.  It’s a wonder I didn’t come out looking like a hooker.  But this time I could take my time and do it the normal person way.  I remembered to brush my teeth, wash and moisturize my face, put on something other than sweats, and even jewelry.  I don’t know if my husband even recognized me as I walked down the steps.

We went for a walk later in the afternoon and my husband carried our daughter in the strap-on-front-carrier-thingy and endured the back pain that always follows before making our son a special dinner and giving him a long bath while I got to watch whatever I wanted on TV.  Before yesterday, I couldn’t remember the last time I watched something other than Nick Jr.  That night, after all the kids were asleep, my husband poured me a glass of Syrah (my favorite), allowed me to sit and relax while he made me the most amazing dinner of Brown Sugar Glazed, Pan-Grilled Salmon over Risotto and Roasted Asparagus.

We watched some more Not-Nick Jr. and talked grown up talk.  Then, as we were watching our shows and drinking our wine, I looked down and remembered a piece of business I needed to attend to.  My coupons from the day’s paper were on the floor and as much as I love shopping with them, I really don’t like clipping them, but I started to get to work since it’s almost impossible to do when my kids are awake.  I clipped the first one before my husband took the scissors away from me and grabbed the pile of papers from my lap – I almost can’t even write this, as it is almost too good to be true – My husband, father of my children, love of my life, clipped my coupons for me.  It was the most adorable, most sexy thing in the world.  I could have married him all over again right there on the couch.  I’m telling you, men feel like they need to buy us nice things and take us out to nice dinners in order for us to feel special, but if more men would help out around the house like my husband did yesterday, the divorce rate in our country would drop dramatically.

Today I woke up feeling great, very special and appreciated and more like myself than I have in a very long time.  Basically, I just really needed a break and Mother’s Day came at the perfect time.  I now feel like a person again.  It’s wonderful.

For the recipe he used for the French Toast, visit Pillsbury’s website by clicking here.  It was really good.

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  • Reply My Little Space May 10, 2011 at 2:54 am

    Happy Belated Mother's Day to you too, Abbey! OMG, so nice of your hubby! I wish mine will treat me the same way too some day. He actually did everything… yeah, except breastfeeding. haha… Frankly, I haven't put up my make up for such a long time either. I just throw them off once they reaches the expiring date. :o(
    I hope you're still enjoying your day.
    Best wishes,

  • Reply Chef E May 10, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    I also had that kind of day Sunday…I can read your happiness in between the lines of this post…good for him to appreciate you and all that is done under your reign as Queen of the Family 🙂 You are truly blessed…

  • Reply SavoringTime in the Kitchen May 16, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    Awww, sweet post. I love the part about your husband clipping the coupons for you 🙂

  • Reply Everyday Champagne May 25, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    thanks ladies!

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