
I’m Not Spanish Chicken and Sausages

(*picture note-this is what it looked like before the tomatoes and before the oven…but it was too pretty at this point to not take a picture!)

Nope. Not Spanish, but I love the flavors of their cuisine and try to do as best as I can at home with the things I have on hand. I also like preparing one-pot meals because they’re always relatively easy and you’re only left with one pot to clean up!
I love the combination of salty and sweet that the raisins and olives bring to this dish, plus the citrus and paprika make it extra exciting. So here she is…
-Season 4 bone-in chicken breasts (bone-in thighs work well here too, but I would use 6-8 of them, and I removed the skin on mine) with S&P and brown in an extra large cast-iron skillet or dutch oven. Remove and set aside.
-Slice 1 lb. of Spanish Chorizo on the diagonal and brown in the same skillet. Remove and rest on the same plate as the chicken.
-Cut about 7-8 red skinned potatoes lengthwise into quarters and add to pan along with 1 large onion, cut into wedges with the root still attached. Season with a good amount of oregano and sweet paprika (smoked paprika works well too). Let the vegetables brown and then add the peeled cloves of 1 bulb of garlic and 1 lemon, thinly sliced, seeds removed.
-Throw a handful of Spanish olives and another handful of raisins into the pan with 2 bay leaves. Allow everything to cook together a bit and nestle the chicken and sausages back into the pan.
-De-glaze with a bit of white wine and add the contents of 1 28 oz can of whole, peeled tomatoes. Drizzle with a fair amount of honey and season with a little more salt before placing in a preheated 350* oven for about a hour, or until the chicken and potatoes are cooked through and everything looks like they belong together.

(*note-There will be a lot of yummy juices in the pan so I recommend serving in a deep plate with a hunk of crusty bread for dipping.)

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  • Reply Anonymous May 20, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Beautiful-looking meal!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne May 21, 2010 at 1:22 pm

    Thank you! I love a colorful dish… they just taste better!

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