Food + Wine

Raw Kale Cobb (ish)

Well hello there lovely people.  What’s shakin?!  It’s been a minute.  Life, man.  It happens.

So I’d love to sit down with you all and chat about feelings and thoughts and other important words like that, but I haven’t the time.  Still love ya though.

Don’t feel sad.  Here’s a salad!

So one of our favorite family dinner rotation items is the Raw Kale Salad.  I’ve shared it before… it’s super easy… and the fact that my kids love it so much makes me extremely joyful.

Here’s me making it on camera back so many forevers ago…

(note- one of my best girlfriends texted me after watching this and asked how many cocktails I’d had while shooting.  The answer is none.  I’m just high on life and kale, y’all)

And whenever I make it as a side for our dinner, there are always leftovers.  That means I get a big salad lunch the next day!  And my favorite way to roll this over is by making it a Cobb Salad…

The avocado component of the Cobb Salad is already present in the ‘dressing’ of the kale salad, so you’re just adding all the other fixings on top!  I usually have all the ingredients on hand for this, sometimes having to swap a couple out (prosciutto here instead of bacon and young goat instead of bleu cheese).  And if I’m smart, the night before I will go ahead and soft boil my eggs (remember the technique on those jammers?!) That way, all I’m doing is arranging it all the next day when I’m lunch hungry!

This is a very easy recipe.  If you blink, you’ll miss it.  But don’t you just love those in the summertime?

Easy recipes, not missed blinks.


For the initial Raw Kale Salad recipe:

Begin with the largest mixing bowl you own.  (Yes, that one that’s a pain in the tuchus to get out from the cabinet because it’s holding all your other bowls inside of it.)

Inside the bowl, add…

  • about 1/4 cup of thinly sliced raw onions
  • the supremed segments of 1 large grapefruit, then juice squeezed in from what’s leftover
  • same deal with 1 small orange
  • hefty couple pinches kosher salt
  • about 1 TB sugar

This is the beginning of your ‘dressing’.  You can leave this to sit for a bit prior to making the salad… it helps to mellow the onion and develop the flavors better, but isn’t totally necessary.

Add to the bowl…

  • the washed and de-stemmed leaves of a 1 pound bunch of kale, torn into bite sized pieces

On top of the kale leaves, add…

  • the scooped out flesh of 1 standard ripe hass avocado.

Using your hands, begin to smush the avocado flesh into the leaves of the kale and down into the citrus at the bottom.  You’re working all the flavors together with your hands, making your dressing, and all the while wilting the kale leaves.

Once everything is mixed in well, and the kale is covered, taste it.  Adjust seasoning as necessary by adding more salt/sugar.  I generally need to readjust.

This can be served within 20 minutes or so of making, and also can hold up til the next day if kept sealed in the fridge.

For the Cobb Salad…

Arrange desired amount of kale salad on a plate.

Top with the usual suspects…

  • shredded, sliced, chopped (etc) chicken
  • raw (or roasted!) tomatoes
  • bacon (or prosciutto 😉 )
  • hard (or soft 😉 ) boiled eggs
  • bleu (or goat 😉 ) cheese crumbles

This is an arranged salad, so I like to make it all pretty and stuff before I dig in.  But you do what you wish.

Thanks for reading, ya’ll!  I’ve got some exciting news to share with you really soon… hopefully today if things outside of my control allow me to finally do so 😉


Cloth napkin: DII on Amazon

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  • Reply Becky Ellis August 3, 2017 at 11:41 am

    Love the idea of massaging the kale with avocado! Very creative. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

    • Reply Everyday Champagne August 3, 2017 at 1:17 pm

      Aww.. thanks so much, Becky!! It’s so much fun to do 😉 Let me know if you try it!

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