Food + Wine

Sweet Potato Chips

My favorite aunt asked me yesterday how to make sweet potato chips at home, because apparently hers always come out floppy. Its hard to mimic deep-fried foods successfully, so I felt her pain and decided to share my method. I suppose you could go out and buy a deep fryer or risk a possible grease fire while attempting deep frying on your stove top OR you could do it this way…(this method works for baked fries as well)

Slice your sweet potato/es as thinly as possible or use a mandolin (a great piece of kitchen equipment). Toss them in a big bowl with enough olive oil to fully coat each and every slice completely (do not skimp…we’re not deep frying so we can afford to use more good-for-you extra virgin olive oil). Lay on a greased cookie sheet in one layer (very important to not overlap…this is what makes a floppy chip). Roast on 425 until they start to brown and crinkle at the edges then flip and do the same to the other side. (Watch them closely because they can easily burn). When they’re done, sprinkle them with salt and a little sugar and toss them back in the same bowl to make sure they all have some seasoning on them. Then gobble them up immediately!

This really does make the best sweet potato chip I’ve ever eaten and you can flavor them a thousand different ways or make them fry-shaped instead. (Obviously you could also use white potatoes as well).

Enjoy and have a ‘thriller’ weekend 🙂

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  • Reply cary Wade June 27, 2009 at 12:37 pm

    i tried this last nite with zucchini. it was great. thanks for the tip!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne June 27, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    Ooooh, that does sound great! And it's perfect for middle of the summer when your garden is overflowing with zucchini!

  • Reply Anonymous June 29, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    Thanks, the touch of sugar sounds yummy. i had some at the beach recently that had a little cinnamon sugar…great with shrimp salad!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne June 29, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    Oh yeah, cinnamon is a perfect match for them as well! Try turning them into a fun desert…sprinkle the cinnamon sweet potato chips over vanilla ice cream!

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