Happy 2017!! We did it!! We made it through 2016!!! How is everyone feeling? Refreshed? Relieved? Relaxed? Or still deep in thought about the year we just left behind? As much as…
pie crust
It’s fig season! Hooray!! Every year around this time we find ourselves with pounds and pounds of fresh figs from my mother’s tree. We have two trees of our own… But ours…
When I hear the word ‘rustic’ put before anything tart-ish, I. Am. Sold. Because, why? Because tart means pastry, which means starch plus butter, which means Abbey is a happy girl. And…
I don’t eat crackers. That seems like a weird and incredibly unAmerican thing to say, but honestly I just don’t. Give me the cheese, give me the everything else on that party…
The last time I made pop tarts, I made them with a cherry filling. They were awesome. I still have a few in the freezer and pull them out for the kids sometimes…
Ok, so I make some variation of Chicken Pot Pie fairly often this time of year. And tonight I made my first of the season!!…