
Wear your coffee 

Mondays aren’t necessarily the easiest days to look good.  I tend to wake up and go, Hey where’d my eyes go?  Coulda sworn I had them when I went to bed…

I tend to sleep a little less on the weekends… have a little more, ahem, fun… So come Monday, I’m a little, dare I say, puffy.

And sometimes even my morning coffee, my morning workout sweat session and my 2 gallons of water can’t make me look like my normal self again.  So I came up with a natural, easy to make facial scrub/mask for those days when I need to see people on a Monday.

And it works amazingly.

The antioxidants in the coffee and cocoa are super good for you, there’s a great exfoliating benefit from the coffee grounds (SOOO good during these winter months!!) , the honey is antibacterial so helps fight blemishes, and the yogurt is moisturizing.  Plus, the caffeine in the coffee actually takes the puff away from your face!

You’ll smell like an old Starbucks for a few, but your skin will look so awesome nobody will notice.



Combine the following in a bowl, in equal parts…

  • coffee grounds (I use what’s in the filter after brewing…just be sure to use it sooner than later as the health benefits of the coffee will diminish the longer it sits out)
  • cocoa powder
  • plain, organic, whole milk yogurt
  • raw honey

Sometimes I’ll add a bit more coffee grounds to make it grittier if I need more exfoliation that day.

Mix well.

Gently scrub onto face in a circular motion.

Leave it on to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Gently scrub it away and rinse off.

Now go get that Monday.

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1 Comment

  • Reply cary January 11, 2016 at 1:00 pm

    well that’s pretty darn cool!

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