I mean… I could preface this… or just let you get on with it. Things go south at about 2:29.…
Food + Wine, Style, Videos
Food + Wine, Fun, Style, Videos
A Day in the Life: Cereal Bars. Pizza Muffins. Graduation. Baseball. Date Night.
I’m reopening my YouTube channel, so you’ll be seeing a lot of little videos coming your way now! Whenever I do so, I’ll link to any products or recipes I talk about, or…
(Close your eyes, mama… I’m wearin’ red.) Yesterday we talked clothes for Europe. And I told you my color palate for the trip was black, white, grey and a pop of red.…
I’ve come to realize that preparing to leave your home for a Europe trip is like preparing to leave your home forever. Same thing. The amount of prep and cleaning and brain puzzles that…
The best way to get over something is to… Get a kicky haircut and twirl around in colorful clothes. Duh.…
A little while ago I had the privilege of receiving an amazing gift from a company called JORD. They make wooden watches- something I never even knew existed, and graciously sent me one.…