Food + Wine

Avocado Toast Turnt


So Avocado Toast is stickin’ around for a bit, yeah?  People are straight up obsessed with it.  There are Instagram pages dedicated to it, and only it.  And I’ve made it before… I get it.  Toast + Avocado.  Two yummy things put together.  But, see I never really make it for myself, because I never really crave toast, or bread for that matter, during the day.  I have myself a giant (GIANT) hunk of my homemade sweet sourdough every single morning of my life… then I go workout… then I pretty much am wanting protein and veggies throughout the day.  It’s just how I do things. I love bread and starches far too much to ‘waste’ them on something.  So I control how I get my favorite food group every day.  And I’m a happy camper.  People think I don’t eat carbs, because I’m always having salads and such when we go out…

But nobody has ever been more wrong about anything in their lives.

This idea came to me at about 2:30 this morning when I couldn’t sleep.  I had been awake since 2, had given up on trying to doze back off and got hungry.  So, naturally, I started my bread eating.  But I was thinking about how I hadn’t had a second breakfast with sweet potatoes or avocados in awhile… and this just sort of flew into my head.

The idea of turning a baked sweet potato into a toasted flat vehicle for avocado and eggs just seemed like so much fun to me!  And for those people who can’t, or don’t want to eat bread, but love the idea of avocado toast, this is a perfect solution!

My husband is out of town now, and I know he is going to request I make this for him when he returns.  I’m actually waiting until he’s able to read this and will probably see the googly eyes from here.

It’s so so good.  So much flavor.  So simple.  And you can play around and add whatever you want to it!  But this right here, just as it is, is simple perfection.

Also I am so full, I’m barely mobile.  But the good, happy and satisfied kind of full 😉


makes 2 toasts, can easily be adjusted for more

If you’re making this for one, I recommend finding the smallest sweet potato you can find.  So, really this could be one or two servings, depending solely on the size of your potato… and how many slices of avocado you choose to add 😉

  • Bake your sweet potato (or microwave after poking) until softened through.  Can be done ahead of time.
  • Slice in half.
  • Place each half on a flat surface, skin side down, and smush with the palm of your hand. Flatten completely.
  • Kosher salt liberally.

  • Heat a nonstick skillet on medium heat with about 1 tsp of coconut oil.
  • Season the skin side with more salt as you place the sweet potato halves, skin side down, into the melted and hot oil and begin to crisp.
  • Flip after about 1 minute and allow the flesh side to crisp.  Make sure there is still some oil in the pan, adding more if necessary. This takes about another minute.

(You can either be heating another nonstick skillet on medium heat at the same time, or wish to cook your eggs in the same skillet after the potatoes are done and removed – your choice.)

  • With a nonstick skillet on medium heat, crack in 2 large eggs.
  • Season with kosher salt
  • Allow to cook until whites have set and yolks are still runny – takes about 3 minutes… cover the pan for quicker cooking, but check often so you don’t overcook them.
  • Plate your sweet potato toasts, blistered flesh side up.
  • Slice 1/2 a haas avocado into thin slices and arrange on one half of the toasted sweet potato halves.
  • Carefully place one egg onto each.
  • Squeeze a good amount of fresh lemon juice over the avocado.
  • Season liberally with crushed red pepper flakes.

Eat!!  And just like with avocado toast made with bread, this can be eaten using either a knife/fork, or by hand.  It really comes down to preference and how thick you sliced your avocado 😉  But… I’ll say from experience that this one right here is sort of easier to handle with a fork.  Someone may have dripped yolk on something in a desperate rush for calories post 2 hour legs + cardio workout.

Oh, and that pretty cloth napkin up there comes from DII on Amazon.

Thanks for reading, y’all. xo

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