So, did you hear about the moon? It was Super. And also a hunter’s moon. I’m too tired to explain in detail what that means. But basically, a supermoon means a full moon…
It’s no secret I make a lot of egg things. (Proper name: Egg Thing) On any regular day, for my second breakfast after the gym, I will just make a 2 egg…
Oh HAY, Sunday, you sexy beast. Guys- my windows are down, my babies are still asleep, the house is quiet, I’m wearing a poncho…. COME ON! This is my good place right here. And…
I’m pretty tired at the moment. This week’s been weird. This whole dang month’s been weird. But I thought my breakfast was pretty pretty this morning. And looking at pretty things through…
Meatless Monday. We don’t always observe it… Frankly, I tend to roast a chicken on most Mondays for my family, but we do eat a meatless meal or two every week, always.…
This is one of my dream meals. I love when meat and veggies come together with a hearty, yet good for you starch. Whether it’s in salad form, omelette/frittata form, or in…