Food + Wine, Videos

Pizza w/ Roasted Grapes, Havarti and Caraway

So I have entered a recipe contest that required me to make a video for YouTube. I am not a fan of watching myself on video, or hearing myself speak. Things always sound and look so much better when they stay in my head. Yes, I realize my past career as an actor makes that last statement laughable, but it’s true. I have never put a video on YouTube before (am I even spelling it right?!) and had no idea what I was doing…luckily my genius husband knows a thing or two about technology. We did this in one take because I had the brilliant idea of including my son in the video. As many of you know, even the best 2-3 year olds have trouble being still for that long. So, you should make sure your volume is turned up! The contest hasn’t begun yet, but the video is up to be viewed and commented on if you’d like.

 So here it is…the recipe is a familiar one.

Video Link in case the video above fails to work:
Pizza with Roasted Grapes, Havarti and Caraway YouTube Video

By the way, the music you’re hearing on the video is my brother’s band, ‘One Another’. He’s also genius.

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  • Reply Tracy October 20, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    I am going to try this this weekend! You should make more videos! And Henry is so adorable!

  • Reply Everyday Champagne October 20, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks Tracy! I'll work on making more videos…maybe I'll get over my fear that way! And let me know if you try it!

  • Reply homeladychef October 21, 2010 at 5:02 am

    Hey! Good to see you and your boy in action! Henry his name is it? He is so cute!

  • Reply Tinky October 21, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    Oh, Abbey, what fun; I wish I could download videos. Someday I'll be able to–and make them, too! Meanwhile, break a leg in the contest.

  • Reply Everyday Champagne October 26, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    Thanks ladies!

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